Yarıkkaya Lovers
The time goes on back like a hourglass….It is not the years , from what the people are aged , but they are desires , which the people fail to fulfill.Disaster is not the bitterest thing in life. The joys are that haven’t been experience while they were possible , the writtings formed by the sentences …
And the pray… And the willing … To believe by heart . Make all the “impossibles” possible..!
And love pays always a price !
If you want to know how much a person loves you , it will be sufficient to look over how much you loves him… When you love by heart , if you wait too much , if y pay the prices , and if you fell such as a nonentity person invisible . It would leave your lver to your hands . Who brings him to you ? The time …
What the meaning of wind is for flame , divergence is the same foor love . While it puts out minor sparks it sets on fire huge flame . Love temple in your heart was been shakened like churn…
It needs another language than all the languages on earth to be able to tell the love .